There are many stories and stories of people on the Internet about their experiences in a wide variety of fields, and the topic of Bitcoin is no exception. On social networks, people are eager to share their experiences, talk about how they discovered cryptocurrencies, and about their experience of buying and selling crypto coins. 

Bitcoin as a cure for anxiety and depression

A few years ago, a Daurgothoth user was deeply depressed, almost to the point of paranoia. He writes that anyone interested in politics and economics is now susceptible to this. Having received his education at a state university, he simply could not understand why the modern state system is arranged in this way. 

When bitcoin was first created, Daurgothoth did not yet understand the full potential of cryptocurrencies. But over time, he was captured by the wave of bitcoin. “If you like the concept of a free market, then the basic principles of bitcoin will attract you. I believe that such a free market is what will eradicate all cruelty and violence. And bitcoin is a cut above everything that is on the market right now. He adapts pretty quickly to all changes, and therefore I am sure that the victory is ours. ”


“I heard about bitcoin in 2012. At that time, one bitcoin was worth $ 4. I immediately “got hooked” on him and believed that in the future he would grow a lot. But at that time I was very poor and could only buy 100 BTC worth $ 400, ”- this is how the story of a user under the nickname SuperDuperDerp begins.

“The value didn’t change much and after several weeks, I quit checking the courses. After a month, I saw that the value of one coin increased to $ 8. Surprised by my unexpected luck and being sure that the time for bitcoin had not come yet, I sold all 100 of my coins for 800 dollars and planned to buy more when the price fell again, but, unfortunately, I never did it. Meanwhile, bitcoin grew and grew, and finally, I could not stand it and bought 8 coins for $ 100. Then, in 2013, I bought and sold several times, succumbing to general panic. And more recently, being in a difficult life situation, I was forced to sell a few more bitcoins. Now I have a little more than 2 BTC, which is not much better than in 2012. I convince myself that if I had more money then, I would buy more coins and keep them for a long time. But who knows how things would change? Because money makes money. ”

Experience of an older bitcoin user

One of the users with the nickname sovereign life was 65 years old when he shared his story. A few years before that, he first bought bitcoins at $ 6 per coin and was completely captivated by this cryptocurrency.

“I believe Bitcoin is the future. I also know that this is the greatest free technology I have seen in my life. And now I follow with delight and trepidation the development of technologies in this direction ”. These same ideas are described in a book he read in 2000, Sic Itur Ad Astra (This is the way to the stars). Its author, astrophysicist Andrew Galambos, argued that the path to freedom for all mankind lies not through elections and revolutions, protest and violence, but technology and the free market. The scientist predicted that freedom will become the product that mankind will most desire. And this freedom will come not through politicians and similar swindlers, but through geniuses among people who will create products and services that give this freedom.

“14 years later, I see that Galambos was right: technology gives humanity the freedom that was impossible before.” The user also notes that he is absolutely happy to live in the modern world and observe how the way of thinking of people is changing. The elderly bitcoin owner hopes to catch at least a little bit of the time when the era of complete technological freedom will come.

Experience of a large investor

A user with the nickname Cryptonomicon also decided to share his success story.

“I saw bitcoin transformed from $ 20 to $ 256 and then failed. I still wanted to buy them on the rise, but could not make up my mind. After the collapse, I waited for some time to see if Bitcoin would “die” in principle. But he held on. Then I read the whitepaper of bitcoin and immediately got this idea on fire.” Cryptonomicon started frantically buying cryptocurrency at $ 95 apiece and ended when the coin’s value crossed the $ 330 border. He sold about a quarter of his savings when Bitcoin bounced from $ 1,200 to $ 1,020.

“At that moment I had 220 bitcoins. In the subsequent period of bitcoin correction, I continued to buy digital coins, at about $ 220-280 per piece. Now bitcoins increase to 2.6% of my entire fortune. Real estate – 70%, gold – 16%, silver – 7%. Among all my assets, I consider real estate to be the most unreliable. ” He goes on to say that investing in bitcoin is the safest investment. “For those who are doubtful about bitcoin, I just show charts and ask: why didn’t bitcoin die? I was at one of the first meetings with Andreas Antonopoulos. He said that bitcoin will either prove to be a dummy or become a treasure. I agree with him. Now, bitcoin is heard in all the main news. Most of the wealth in the modern world is precarious and illusory. And as soon as the next crisis strikes, people will understand what is reality and what is an illusion. I am confident that Bitcoin will be the winner in the end.”